This is my daughter, Cheyanne.
She turns 21 today!!!
I wanted to spend some time writing something meaningful here. First of all, I can’t even begin to explain how proud I am of her for all the really deep growth she’s done in the last year. She’s working so hard on self love, body positivity and self care- and if I’m being honest she really inspires me to do the same. We as human beings have the right to choose how we present ourselves to the world. Our bodies are OURS- and we have to be proud and confident to live within these bodies. This real, raw, authentic beautiful human you see before you is bold and brave and incredible. We absolutely do not have to abide by societal norms when it comes to our sacred selves. I want ALL my children and everyone I know to understand that I will support them in every single way they want to express themselves. I will stand up and defend their right to be their true authentic selves and not change any part of what makes them feel beautiful and comfortable for anyone else.